by - 4:20 PM


well after seeming to be cursed this week, a decent thing actually occured, found out i got A+ & A- for accounting test so its an A overall this semester for accounting haha. Then in fourth period i had english, we were getting our monologue speech and in class analytical essay back and well lets just say i was nervous. Amazingly i got A for the monologue & A- for the essay, i'm really surprised ( i'm not even kidding) cause well i thought i'd get a B. I thank mrs tavio last year for being such a hardkore marker so i actually did my assignment 4 days before it was due this year (:

So, now i have wait for my math & physics marks, i'm really worried. Was on A for physics since my tests and assignments were A's so far but i screwed this test really badly which i probably complained to you guys about so i'm gonna probably bring it down to a B. Math, well lets not start .__. i'm gonna go off and enjoy myself in malaysia and come back to die when my report card arrives in the mail haha. for those who got B, its not bad you know -looks at elaine- gee, you're a pro little child so don't be emo D: at second break febe was putting jennifer's eyedrops into her eye and pretending to cry haha apparently she went up to bill and was like : BILL, you made me pregnant -sniff sniff- haha. Bludge lesson, today was a good day and miraculously my dad didn't turn off my net from yesterday so i'm blogging early. Oh in english today we were graffiting elaine's bag with things hahahaha

Made a new resolution, if i don't reach 160cm by the end of this year, i'm gonna join cross country in 2011 .__. okay i'll probably regret this cause cross country is suicide for me but i'll see. Oh, yee sum if you're reading this btw, don't worry over chemistry, the teachers are retarded, they gave 3/4 of the grade B's, C's & D's okay, so don't be sad , you're smart ! Warrigal fete this saturday, don't forget to go guys (:
jap- talked to yasmin&alex
pcl- pac , stuff about careers.
accounting- got marks, bludged & watched salina playing with her phone
english- laughed at elaine heaps

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