by - 11:41 PM


sometimes we all get a little too dependant on company, the truth is we're all afraid of silence, the quietness that fills ou world when everything is gone. Humans fill their lives with noise, chatter, music, radio and television just so that the awful silence won't remain, so that noise covers everything and fills the gaps. We're insecure and we need friends, family, anyone so that we have someone to rely on, because you get too used to having someone around.

いま ちょっと さびしい、 でも りゆう が 分からないよ 
もしかしたら 誰も 話せない かもしれない 。気持ち わるい。 
たぶん家族 も いないし あの人は おかしいし それで さびしい。 

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