christmas eve

by - 11:16 PM

its christmas eve!

*or was anyway when i typed this LOL

Time sure does past fast, its kinda daunting actually that fact that i'll be in grade eleven next year. Sadly referring to my childish imaginations a few years ago I do not look heaps taller nor very different. Well anyways today i went out with elaine ~ just shopped around and took stickies. Elaine bought like 2 pairs of shoes cause it was like five dollars each!
woops i think she's gonna kill me after she sees the left photo D: oh crap -run-

She made me try on this long dress to emphasize how short i am , nah jokes she was just a curious child D: This is probably very embarassing but who cares, I am now trying to aim to not care about what others think of me. So no shame time! 8) It doesn't look good but oh well, who cares :)

I went home afterwards and slept for half an hour cause i was really tired, then me&mum went to elaine's house for christmas dinner. Also saw ernest's family! The dinner was good, got full easily though for some reason~ Mum borrowed a few jap dramas except i can't understand them =\ cause it has mando subtitles and i suck at mando. Well, wish you guys enjoyed your christmas eve (LOL) kay yeah. Byee guys!

p.s thanks natalie for the christmas card! :D have a safe trip!

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