Dress size

by - 9:36 PM

lol I found out yesterday that my dress size is 6 or 4 (since six was apparently a bit loose) o_o all these years i've been wearing a size 8. Okay, maybe normal people just wear things slightly tighter than i do... pft maybe its just for dresses << okay random post haha. 

Yay 776 words for english now, i honestly don't like my english teacher very much ): She keeps changing her opinion on what she wants us to do + she marks hard + she never actually looks at your draft unless you badger her to read it in class, sending it to her via email = fail. Oh well. Slowly getting back on track, still so much to catch up on though =\  Did a bit of math C, jap & chemistry hw today :D still have a deck of sheets to do though -dies- Oh well. Thats the life. Haven't done umat in aaaaages. Okay GO GO GO!

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