Embarrassing moment

by - 10:04 PM

YAY my english teacher was away today so we got an extra computer lesson to do final edits on the good copy of our speech 8) Somehow she always ends up being away on the first day the speeches are supposed to begin but i guess thats a good thing :D So I get time at least till wednesday to polish up my presentation skills 8) Oh foonie and them were checking how long they spent editing their english (they have the info in the printing window thingyo) But apparently I spent like 5650 minutes on my english in total o_o Maybe I accidently left it open for a day or something but if I didn't, that means I spent four whole days on the stupid thing. No wonder I was going psycho, almost had a mental breakdown doing english, not even kidding LOL. 

At break time I witnessed Georgina bang her face right into a pole o_o Cause enlo was tickling her or something so she full on "face-poled".

Omg, this morning something embarrassing happened T_T. So basically, right now the apartment I'm living in is getting retouched (like painted and stuff) from the outside and this morning I woke up at 6am to practice my english speech. What happened was this, I was walking around my room reading out my english speech and then i go to my window while pacing around and i'm just in the middle of going "INJUSTICE IS REPRESENTED THROUGH THE SOVIET LABOUR CAMPS" -gesture dramatically- and one of the guys who were in charge of painting walks across the lawn -sigh- So embarrassing. Dude I live on level one, so basically he was like right in front of me and I'm like gesturing like a wildman talking about crap. So I turned around as casually as I could and ran into my bathroom to hide :L

I honestly reckon I need better luck, not even kidding. The dodgiest things happen to me at exactly the time it shouldn't -sigh-  Oh well, good night kiddos!

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