A drop of blood amongst the blue of the ocean

by - 12:59 AM

 So, yesterday was my mum's birthday so we went out to dinner, she wanted to eat at this Thai restaurant near our house. It was alright, not bad but not my favourite either probably cause I like salty food and Thai food mainly consists of sweet, sour and spicy sooooooo yeah. The atmosphere was pretty good though :3 I ordered curry puffs!
Hmmm its pretty late at the moment, someone needs to slap some sense into me, why am I blogging at such a ridiculous time = = I have so much to do...its kinda depressing. English assignment to fix up and memorise, math C assignment to do. Speaking of that, i realised how sad it is that I can't even do it myself without asking friends T^T I'm so pathetic at math aso;ifnw;efoin yeah there you go cause complaining will totes help penny. Oh and a stack of sheets to do for chem&phy + MATH B. GOSH. I've been neglecting it so bad :s Haha yeah, as you can see i'm falling behind, not good, not good at all. Sad life lol, talking about school all day. Honestly not that bad as I thought it would be but still, I've got to catch up. 

Got QCS practice results back today hahaha...uhm just passed LOL! Our grade average was 26.8 and state average was 27 or something. We all thought it was really crap until some teacher pointed out to us the state average was based on the 2010 cohort who actually tried doing the test properly while ours was a practice and like half the grade bludged it so taking that into account, we're probably not THAT dumb, well at least I hope ._." My best result was for the written task, got a (-1) even though my story was like the lamest thing on earth, well in my opinion anyway haha, the highest score you can get is +1 but no one in our grade got that :O but Chi got 1(0) so pretty good :D   

Just cause I have nothing else to say, i'll just post the narrative i wrote for the QCS. If you're finding it hard to sleep just read the story, you'll probs fall asleep halfway liked I did when I wrote it haha. Woke up 20 min later to finish writing it -_-  To the rest of you who have some weird perception I'm like genius at english or something, no i don't. Not even kidding, I have to sit in front of the computer for like 2-3 whole days to think up a decent eng draft + i have to check it for ages =\

Golden tendrils of sunlight filtered gently through the thick canopy of the trees as the girl pelted her way through the dense undergrowth. Ignoring the branches and bristles that cut into her, she pushed on, desperate to get as far away from her home as possible. Everything just hurt too much right now. She didn't want to think about it - no, it wasn't that she didn't want to, she just couldn't. Angrily, she brushed away the few stray tears that had managed to leak out of her piercing ocean blue eyes. It was so pathetic, so weak to cry over this. Forcing herself to keep moving, the only thing she focused upon now was the blur of green, gold and brown. Of course, the pain in her heart still burned like a terrible fire but she tried hard to ignore it. 

Her chest felt like it was about to burst and her arms were laced with angry red cuts from the brambles she had torn through yet she didn't want to stop running. She couldn't take it anymore, always being blamed for things she didn't do. It wasn't fair, it wasn't at all fair that her father always believed all the horrible things her step mother said about her. She felt hurt, yet angry at the same time. She wanted to scream with frustration and unleash the bitter tears which were threatening to take over. She didn't want to feel the look of disappointment her father gave her all the time, it hurt. Alot. 

Gradually, the trees ahead were starting to thin out, she wanted to keep running but her aching limbs were telling her something else. Hating the relief of slowing down she finally made it into the clearing. She managed only a few wobbly steps until her legs finally gave out. Her golden hair glinted in the sunlight as she tumbled onto the ground, too exhausted to keep her eyes open. Laying there, her gasps for breath finally quietened and she regained enough strength to roll onto her back. 

The first thing that greeted her as she opened her eyes was the imprint of red amidst the varying shades of blue in the clear sky. It took her a few moments to realise that it was a lone kite in the sky which was flapping gently in the breeze. It was a drop of blood amongst the blue of the ocean. She watched it in amazement, admiring the lone independence of the of the kite and suddenly everything lifted. The troubles which had imprisoned her like shackles disappeared. Now she was the kite, the kite which was climbing higher and higher, displaying its beauty and reveling in the freedom of flying. 

Suddenly, she understood. Running away wouldn't help at all. No, like the kite, she would always be bound to the tether. No matter how far she ran, she couldn't escape the fact that she was her father's daughter, Isabella. It was going to be difficult but she was going to have to face her father. She was going to explain everything, she was going to tell her father that it wasn't her who gave her brother the bruises, it wasn't her who sold mother's picture for money. She was going to stand up for herself, to set herself free.  

-the end-  
LOL as you can see, this is a corny piece of crap with no plot if I do say so myself haha.

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