Crazy wings

by - 9:59 PM

Turns out I was able to live at Sunny's house, parents just made a big deal about this trip being for my independence so they told me to organise other accommodation instead. Oh well, even so, I'm going to enjoy my trip since I'm paying for half of it and all. Thank goodness I'll be leaving Brisbane in two days. Hehe I'll being see everyone soon :3 

Okay so this is two days late but on sunday I went on a date with Natalie ;) On the way there, I got on the bus and saw that it had christmas decorations on it! 


 I met up with her and we went to watch Rise of the Guardians. At first I wasn't that enthusiastic about it because from the description it didn't sound to exciting but I'm glad I went to watch it. The graphics were pretty good and in my opinion the storyline was pretty decent too + it was in 3D. I haven't watched a movie in 3D for a while, always thought it was a bit of a waste of money but it proved me wrong. I think the quality has gotten better. 

We went to the city and natalie got some sushi for dinner before we sat down and just talked. I bussed with her to sunny bank and then she walked home while I met up with my parents to go to dinner. Ended up having dinner at some new store located near the Runcorn Tavern. It was quite interesting, everything was grilled over Charcoal flames. We ordered more side dishes though.


The store name was written in simplified chinese so we assumed it was opened by a Chinese person. When a waitress came to give us our food though, Dad decided to be really random and called her back asking "you're taiwanese right?". In response to our questioning looks, my Dad said "What? I can tell by their looks they're Taiwanese". Don't get me wrong though, dad loves chinese people, he just decided to be weird. Ahemmmmm

Convinced my parents to take my brother and I to Meet Fresh. I swear it's become a bit of a tradition nowadays. We always go to Meet fresh after eating out. Muahahaha Mibi ;) you jelly of my grass jelly? SEE WHAT I DID THERE? hahaha jokes, I'm so lame :') 

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