My first Overseas trip

by - 7:21 PM

Hi guys :) This will probably be my last post until I get to Taiwan. It might even be the last post until I get back from Taiwan, you never know :P Hahaha, nah it depends if I have net. This time I resolve to make the most of my holidays and keep you guys updated. Every time I go overseas it seems as if I disappear off the radar completely. Mibi there will be many pictures of food coming your way muahahaha and Yee sum, I'm sorry I couldn't go shopping with you before I left, but I'll definitely go shopping with you after I get back on the 10th of January. Hope you guys have a safe and amazing holiday! Fingers crossed that applies for me too, as I'll be hiking around Taiwan like a backpacker not knowing where I'm going. Yes, I should go back to preparing now, I don't know what I'm else I need to pack into my suitcase but it's so empty every time I pack :s I think I've forgotten something major. Oh well. 

Laters~! :D 

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