My mum's hometown

by - 1:01 PM

Hey guys I'm safely back in Brisbane now but omg the weather is so. damn. hot. I miss Taiwan weather ): even though it was rainy and cold. I'm weird, I like rain :3 well I usually do when I'm indoors and watching from inside ya know. Okay that was totally random. Back to the point, the day after Georgina left (6th of Jan) my aunt took me to 美濃 to visit my grandmother :) 
Did you guys know that I'm half Hakka (客家人) ? Anyway, my mother's older brother basically drove the four of us down there (his wife, son, my 2 aunts & I). Before that though, he went to pick up his new car and the people there gave him 2 free suitcases and a free plane ticket to hongkong ._. It was nice to visit the place my mum grew up :) My grandma still lives there by herself but luckily all the old neighbours are still there so she has people to talk to. 
 My Grandma grows so many herbs/vegetables :o
 Afterwards they took me to this tourist village thing, there were quite a few traditional things there such as the old clothes people used to wear for farming. There was also this pro guy who was making music by using all these random household items such as toothbrushes etc. 
 The weather was soooo good 
 My 2nd aunt & grandma :D 


 Pretty flowers :) 
 My relativesssss :) 
Oh and my uncle took me cousin& I driving ;) Drove illegally for the first time ever. Well I didn't really drive, just made the car go forwards in a straight line before my uncle reversed back to the original position for us to keep practicing. His car was manual though :\ so hard. 

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