World's biggest orchestra

by - 10:45 PM

You've probably all seen on facebook, but a couple of days ago (13th of July), there was a massive gathering of musicians at the Suncorp Stadium in an attempt to break the world record. We were to try form the World's biggest Orchestra. So basically, it was a bunch of randoms who gathered together to play a song with no prior rehearsal or anything. 

I'm really glad elaine persuaded me to join, it was a unforgettable experience!! It felt really good just to be with so many people and sound so magnificent. The previous record was around 6,452 people and originally we didn't have enough people to break it. Somehow, in under half an hour or so, we managed to get from 6,300 to 7,224 people. Amazing right? It was so loud as well!! Proud to have been part of it ;D life goal achieved you know, made it into the Guinness world book of records ;) 

excuse my awkward pose, I was kind of squashed between my violin case and everything else :x credits to elaine for the photo :D! 

To achieve this, we not only had to gather a certain amount of people but no more than four people could stop playing at a time otherwise it wouldn't count. Such an unforgettable experience. Anyway, that'll be all for today :) 

Oh and if any of you are interested, here is the video!! 


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