Just a little of the good news

by - 4:22 PM

Hello guys! Today I went to school cause I was a good kid 8) And... got my marks back. 

First period- Math C 
I got my exam back and the teacher told me my mark for the semester. It wasn't as bad as I thought actually, considering math is my super weak subject. Teacher said that if I raised two sections by one or two ranks, I could improve my mark by heaps. Must keep going! 

Second period- English 
Didn't get our marks back = = and I was especially worried about my english. Although my first two results were good, I'm worried that this one will be so bad that it'll pull my mark down D: But yeah, she was originally planning to give it back, then decided that she wanted us to 'come tomorrow' so she didn't give it back. We have to do a monologue next semester :') on a book of the teacher's choice. Gilmour picked The great Gatsby T_T whyyyy. Why couldn't she pick pride & prejudice ? or withering heights?????? -grabs knife- 

Third period- Jap
We got our speaking, reading and listening marks back. a;oweinf;aowienf;aoiwenf. I didn't do as well as I'd hoped. Actually a few people dropped a bit :\ I think she marked extra hard this time.. not too happy about my results but thats okay, I'll pull it up next semester. Goodbye to subject award though. But I will be positive :) I'll just aim for VHA10/9 :3 

Reading: A     Speaking: A         Listening: A  

At lunch I went to find Mr. Gagen for my physics results, I was too worried so I just went to ask. I had be hearing bad news for the first half of the day, so I decided to risk my chances and go ask. I'm relatively happy with my marks I guess, better than I expected. Anisha told me she got A+ for her eei :') I'm so jealous~~ congrats anisha :D 

my marks: 
EEI : A-                  exam ERT: B 

Soooo that gives me an A- overall for this semester because I got A- for my last exam :) I will do better and keep my marks up! 

Fourth period- Math B
hahaha, as you can probably guess, I wasn't so happy with the marks I got in math B. Argh my brain cannot process math :x But same I guess, it could be improved if I worked harder :) so it has potential.

What i'm really really scared of is chem. I DO NOT WANT MY MARKS BACK :') So scared....I think i'm actually going to fail. I could make a billion excuses about why I did bad for the exam, but I'm trying not to. So basically, good luck to myself then :') hahaha. I know a few people who haven't done that well, so scareddd ): But I must remain optimistic. Tis all for now :D might go bake something now and might come back and continue my 'story' later on in the day. 

Oh, and.. to those people who like to force someone else to show you their marks, screw you. You have no respect at all for anyone else's feelings, I can't believe you guys would be so despicable to snatch someone else's results away from them. You guys  even read it out loudly and criticised it just to boost your own egos. Wow. Although you guys didn't do it to me, I witnessed you doing it to someone else. Made me quite angry. Can't you guys understand that if the person doesn't want to show you, they must feel bad about it? = = a;owienf;oaiwnef. 

I am working to not caring what others think of me. A few people have told me that I care too much about being judged, I think it's pretty true actually. But anyway, 
'tis all for now. Ciaoooo 8)! 

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