
by - 8:49 PM

Overslept for orchestra this morning (:" Cause I slept really late again yesterday for some reason aoweinf. I set the alarm, crawled up before hitting the snooze button, thinking 5 minutes more and I sleep till 8:30am haha fail. I got to school & elaine tells me she volunteered me for second violin solo, telling the teacher I would probably be interested. omg I'm going to kill you elaine >:D 

Math B first period, then Jap test second period. I ate half my lunch during break time but didn't finish it in time. By second lunch, I had forgotten I didn't finish it and thought that I already ate all my food. I was famished in math C, wishing I had more food and wondering why I was so hungry LOL fail. I realised 2 hours later that it was because half my food was unfinished and still inside my lunchbox ^^"
Physics ; 
guess who? LOL well the one on the right is obviously me but yeah, try guess the one on the left. Sumsum was laughing like crazy because of the photo booth effects. 

 Orchestra photos, then math C last :D  it was someone's birthday I think so everyone got free chocolate cake 8) I didn't get any cause I came in late and couldn't be bothered. So funny, Mr. barrett kept coming back for more cake, picking up crumbs and m&m pieces casually whilst everyone was chilling. What happens during math C =  

Uhhhh this was break time ^^" hahaha so funny, cindy didn't know what she looked like, only that the scarf was warm and she was just casually walking around and then she told me to take a photo. She took one look at it and went EWWWWWW and proceeded to rip the scarf off her head LOL. I told her beforehand she looked dodge :L She didn't think much of it though, till she saw the photo lmao, and everyone photo bombed ._." 

LOL i was sitting on the bench with cindy and kaido so I was shoving cindy toward kaido, trying to crush him and then he shouts out ' STOP SHOVING ME, YOU'LL SQUASH MY JELLYBEANS' lol. Everyone thought suss and we all laughed our heads off and then surprisingly he literally takes out a packet of jellybeans LOL. 

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