No, not again.

by - 12:25 AM

It's 12:15am in the morning and I'm blogging. Great, I have good time management I know. There is something seriously wrong with me, I'm not even kidding. I have a panic attack about the upcoming blocks almost every night but then when I come home in the afternoon I'm always chill. I've been procrastinating like there's no tomorrow. I'm really going to regret it when it comes to exam time next week. I can't afford to let my math B & physics drop. I'm so far behind in chem that it's scaring me. I don't want to think about it at all.

In fact, I don't want to think about english or chem. I'm usually more enthusiastic about english but I don't know, all the will to do anything seems to have left me. Goodbye future. Omg. I'm kind of tired. But I have to do english. I also have to do more maths B. Oh and I need to start studying chem & physics more. I'm starting my panic attack again now. On top of that, I also have to master the art of using makeup very soon. I won't have much time after the blocks. Well actually, I basically have like two nights to practice before my formal after I finish my exams. Oh and I also need to go buy eyeliner and some basic stuff I think. I totally have my priorities straight. Wish someone could just casually dump all their chemistry knowledge into my head. ;_; 

Things to do: 
- Finish english essay draft
-Finish jap tutor homwork
-Study for jap test
-Study for physics & do more trig for maths B 
-Eat healthy, so I have energy ;_; for my exams 

I feel like I'm losing myself. Okay. I've got this. I will go to do english right now. Yes, I need to. HOLY CRAP. I just realised something. I need to turn in a english draft by friday. I have to study for a japanese test "today" (seeing as it's past 12:00am already). I will have no time. Ohhh crap. And.... on friday night I'll have to do more maths or physics. Saturday I have chinese school and so only half a day to do more work as well as sunday. Half of me feels so screwed, the other half just wants to read novels and daydream. Please slap me. Okay I should leave now. Good morning... (:" 

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