The fail moments in life - an adventure to wagaya

by - 12:25 AM

Hi guys! 

I've been slacking the past few days and not doing work but this morning my brother suddenly got motivation to study and asked me to go to the library with him. Amazing right? I made him sit down and study for almost three hours since he has blocks next week. That unhealthy kid was actually going to head down to woolies to buy lollies for breakfast. Tsk tsk, luckily I persuaded him to get subway instead.  

Okay, this is such a stupid habit, I talk about the most useless things ever and ramble on and on about things nobody care about. Oh well, guess I can come back and read over this in the future and laugh at my stupidity. I still go back to read my past posts sometimes, it makes me cringe so bad. Anyway, I also got some study done (thank god!) Though try as I might, I only managed to cover half of my cardiovascular system lecture. So. Much. To. Remember. 
 Alan (Kwok) randomly texted me at like 3pm asking me if I was free to go dinner at Wagaya since I'm his only friend. Haha just kidding, its because Jen, Georgina, Benson & I bullied him into shouting us sushi last time by 'pledging our eternal friendship'. 
I ended up waiting for 40 minutes or something by myself at king george though since he was at a program thing which finished extra late. Kwok actually thought I was serious and was going to shout me dinner, obviously not. He has no idea how much I can eat.

 We were so fail though, we didn't even know how to get there (I assumed he knew how to get there and he assumed the same thing for me) so we had to call Jen to ask. THEN, we got there and couldn't decide what to eat so we sat there for 20 minutes deciding on each plate of food. We couldn't even decide on what drinks or dessert to get, how sad.
Aburi salmon cream cheese roll & some Volcano salmon sushi thing, tasted soooo good.
Then I made the mistake of ordering Wagyu beef sushi which turned out to be much more raw compared to the picture. I've never eaten such raw beef but I according to kwok I have to 'face my fears'. It didn't taste too bad, just felt a little unnerved by the fact that it looks completely raw except for the edges. Afterwards we had to do scissors paper rock to decide whether we were getting more sushi or just going for dessert. We couldn't decide which one again and ended up choosing two to share so that we could have more variety. 
The green tea cheesecake & green tea ice-cream // cream brûlée with vanilla ice-cream 
Probably one of the few times I've tried creme brûlée 
We really failed at cutting everything in half though and ended up picking up the food (including ice-cream) with our chopsticks. Then I went and became the biggest retard by accidentally dropping my cheesecake on my plate which had soy sauce on it. I ended up eating it anyway...... not a good mix. 

 By the time we finished it was like super late and we walked around outside to find the bus stop. Stood there in the cold for twenty minutes waiting for a bus that wasn't even going to come (we read the timetable wrong and the last bus was at 9:25pm). So.... with the help of the GPS on kwok's phone, we walked back to the city. What a fun adventure. My parents didn't even bother to call till 10:30pm, they're so chill, probably because I act like a total man at home anyway so they think I'm in no danger being out alone late at night haha. 

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