by - 6:57 PM

I never stopped loving you; even when I was acting crazy,
I loved you. I've tried to show you in a million ways
but nothing ever got through.

ohayo (: today went shopping for food with parents blah ~ bought lots of snacks x] cause my father was feeling extremely happy this morning -shiftyeyes- got home & had lunch then we started watching a movie, what happens in vegas haha its really hilarious , you guys should watch it (H)
a photo from a while back.
afterwards i spent the afternoon downloading songs onto my ipod with a dodgy site -shiftyeyes- yea but i dno what mando songs to download, i must go find julie (: she shall help me hehe. did you know julie is really cool ? okay that was random x] but anyways. then i had to like plan what we (sunny+my family) were gonna eat for tommorrow & the next three days -,- cause my mother isn't going camping with us :L males are so helpless these days -shakes head- they can't even COOK if their lives depended on it . (except for mitchell) jokes mate (H) haha.
my attempt at a pro shot.
well enough of that, mhmmm julie, if ur reading this, we must plan a outing soon okay ? haha well you're probably not reading it cause my blog is actually very boring if any of you guys have realised? okay i'm talking to myself = = i'm such a loser -sigh- i have no life.
; pennyx

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