by - 7:12 PM

I’m going to smile & make you think I’m happy,
I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry,
I’m going to let you go & even if it kills me,

I’m going to smile.

hey guys ;D this morning i crawled up
and got ready to go vio rehearsal & then we performed for the grade eights &
epically failed. ;D then we had lunch while i spent the whole time drawing & then we performed for grd 9's i think it was a bit better this time.

rest of the day was blah ~ we played some retarde restaurant game ; it was pretty sad = = and then i took the bus with elaine, yasmin, sophiene & foonie ; talked about random stuff that happened on the bus :L i'm taller than yasmin -proud face- but shorter than foonie ;D got home & thennn elaine harassed me . yes thats right she slapped me on my bare legs :L & then -shiftyeyes- ;) wouldn't you like to know . jokes mate ;D but seriously elaine is a feeler {private joke} by the way
elaine was so retarded she tried to chuck lego at a bear and she was aiming for the..

ANNNWAYS we were trying to make someone out of lego using brown lego pieces :L

sorted out some stuff, i feel better cause seriously i've just be hiding everything these days its good to let some things out (: sorry guys no more pictures, maybe i'll take some tomorrow at dreamworld !

; pennyx

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