by - 8:09 PM

hello, i didn't blog yesterday cause i got back really late from last night's dinner, we went to the shang gri la and ate dinner with elaine's family + other church friends as well to celebrate her grandma's 70th birthday. It was a surprise, pretty fun except when i screwed up in the piece i was supposed to play on the violin with elaine -sigh- she was pro and i just died , i swear she's not gonna ever make me play again lol.

random photo i took :L with my half dead camera

this morning i woke up pretty late, at around 10:20am ? haha its amazing my mum didn't even wake me cause she normally spazzes about me 'wasting' my life in sleeping whereas i could be helping her with housework / doing homework or something productive -,- well watched a movie after i got back yesterday anyways till like 1:30am in the morning which means i got probably around 9 hours of sleep? which is good cause i normally get less haha. see this is how i'm gonna grow taller than all you people out there (:

okay, well try to anyway. today was unproductive, watched the masterchef episode recorded from last night :D ! its so good. well then my mother decided to take a afternoon nap, leaving me to cook the lunch -sigh- so i cooked some random bowl of noodles with shiitake mushrooms, ginger, meatballs? well something like that. for dinner, i had to cook as well and it didn't taste all that great in my opinion but according to my brother he sorta liked it ? well he's a 怪胎 haha jks.

my mum spazzed at me in the evening cause she forced me & bro to go outside to 'exercise & breathe in the fresh air' and apparently we were being unenthusiastic? LOL my brother wanted to game & well, i just cbs'ed 'running around to be fit' like her hahaha. well don't i have a productive life? haven't started on my math assignment by the way. its due next tuesday (:

oh btw, today i saw this ambulance parked outside our apartment building & a firetruck/ undercover police .___. i started saying aloud the possible theories like maybe a old lady got a heart attack and set her house on fire etc. but then my mum was like -evils- and told me to stop jinxing stuff lol, woops :L

; pennyx

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