by - 7:57 PM

i woke up bright & early this morning cause for some weird reason i kept dreaming about the english analytical essay we will have to do in a few weeks, kept procastinating heaps and getting distracted, wow i'm such a freak i dream about schoolwork -sigh- well thats just my sad sad life haha .
well went to mando school, new sub teacher again, she's cool cause she actually speaks english properly haha & well she uses sarcasm on adrian alot :L he could always bully other teachers but this one is like pro hahaha. well yeah , walked around w/ julie & yuki during break, talked to janice in class while she was drawing in my book & she told me about her school dance yesterday and how she had a stalker hahaha.
當時間過了一後, 不會
再回來了. 我們長大時會發覺自己
失去了多少, 變了多少. 或許去年的朋友
也和今年的不一樣了. 最可怕的是, 我們原本的天真
也漸漸的沒有了. 無法在像已前那樣的快快樂樂的過日子了.
永遠找不回來了, 長大真是可怕.
afterschool i walked w/ janice & julie towards julies house before janice left, and i went to see her julie's house, its so pretty :D and on the way she showed me this guy who keeps following/stalking her in school .__. she's so cursed that that guy's family actually bought the same piece of land as her to build the house on & so she's neighbors with him which is so creepy rofl. i feel sorry for you lah :L
went garbo, we watched iron man 2 even though i haven't actually watched the first one , pretty good i guess. walked around while julie bought her 'black pants' for school orchestra uniform lol and then walked around more, i went home. i'm gonna go watch a movie soon (: w/ my bro.
; pennyx

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