by - 7:29 PM

you know, i really can't be bothered uploading photos cause i need to do chemistry which seems as though like all of my friends have already begun -sigh- well today consisted of going to see the chinese herbalist -,- so my bro & i could be examined blah. apparently i need to take this medicine for sinus whatever? and apparently the reason why i see black dots in front of my face sometimes and get a massive headache is cause of my sinus problem? well anyways, my brother has to eat this growing medicine rofl shame.
dad: jed, you must eat it, its good for
jed: ew is it the gross stuff we had in
taiwan? the black looking soup thingyo?
me: yup :D goodluck bro, and i think it
tastes worser here.
jed: farout, its basically just boiled bark = =
me: i agree (:
well then went to yum cha restaurant w/ sunny and people to celebrate 'mothers day' and yeah i swear the adults ate so much, they kept ordering plate after plate -,- well then afterwards, sunny's dad dropped us off at convention centre cause we were going to see the career expo again, and i swear the jewellery people were being friggen racist to us and yeah so we left, while sunny and michelle were scabbing everything they could haha rofl. walked around, got tired and we walked to the entrance & saw jennifer !
well she was with her sister lily and we talked a bit, before leaving, have a headache now & i need to start chemistry. lovely.
; pennyx

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