Mushrooms & rainbows

by - 10:52 AM

Signs of mental health problems 
-spending lots of time alone
-not wanting to go to school, or out 
-Spending less time on appearance
-Not getting enough sleep 
-Changing eating habits 

Does that mean I have mental health problems ._." ? Cause I think all or most of this applies to me.....D:   

On another note, omg i woke up early last time and saw this :)  for mibi & fuzz ;)

 LOL yesterday mum discovered this mushroom at the corner of her bathroom o_o So weird...It was lot more 'plump' before but when I took a photo this morning it was all shriveled up so yeah. Haha for jenwen ;)

Haha these photos make it look like I live in some dodgy forest cabin surrounded by trees and mushrooms o_o

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