
by - 6:58 PM

Wheeeew! My bro got me fries on his way home from work 8) Omg he's finally growing into a nice little boy :') Haha jokes. It was seriously the only good thing that happened today though. I spent my day attempting to study physics, I think I'm spending way too long trying to summarise my notes though. Apart from that, I also just found out that I got 14/15 for my anatomy summative quiz instead of 15/15 ): I'm so saddddd. I thought I got 100% because I read the time completed 15 out of 15 minutes as the score: 15 out of 15. Which was wrong of course. Nooooooooooooooo. 

I should go back to studying.. I have like a test on tuesday D: Why can't my life be interesting :'). Watched rise of the guardians in Bluray with my brother last night. I can't believe we used to go borrow DVDs to watch. I honestly don't know how they survive anymore, since you can get it all from Pirate bay ;)))))) Haha illegal at all. 

Haha I miss this ): so much. 

To be honest, uni hasn't been all that great. No tight friendships, no seeing close friends on a  daily basis. It's so hard to make friends, although I have made a few I think the chances of making more and being a tight knit group is very unlikely since we all have different timetables and all. I can't muster up the motivation to join any clubs, I guess I just hate the unknown or something, which is probably going to ruin me if I can't start 'networking' as people keep telling me to do. Jen is so lucky she has heaps of people she knows in optometry. Oh well, at least Jen still goes to the same uni as me :D and has crashed my lecture to keep me company before ;DDDD 

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