Taiwanese style macarons

by - 10:53 PM

Hello guys! 
I'm sure you've all noticed the template change, hopefully it doesn't look screwed up on browsers other than chrome. Anyway, uni holidays have officially started, I'm so glad! Kind of needed a pause button on the inundating amounts of work I have yet to do. On thursday, I went for a bit of shopping with some friends and spent so much. 
I've never blown such a large sum of money in one go, though in my defence it was stuff I needed: new university bag, enclosed shoes. Well, I bought a $13 dollar dress because it was cheap, not because I needed it but still. 

Today I went over to Jen's house to bake 'taiwanese style macarons' though, they're probably more like mini cake things with cream/butter filling inside them. The four of us (jen, her sister lily, coco&I) took turns carrying out the methods needed. Most of the cleaning up was done by Jen though, I swear she could go be a housewife right now :') SHE IS SINGLE GUYS 8D If I was a guy I'd totally date her, nice long legs, good at cooking, enjoyable company ;) Ahem, before people start going on about how I'm retarded, lets move on to a picture of our baked goods: 
They look so cute ^^ we clamped cream between the shells 
 Spaghetti for lunch, kindly made by Jen for us (her mum, sisters, coco& I) + our finished product at the back for dessert. They had a karaoke machine in their house too, so we were singing whilst relaxing at her house. Jen also gave me the cup that I painted in Taiwan when I was with her. 
Jen's cup is the blue one & mine is the one underneath. One day when we're forty, I swear I'm going to go to her house and drink tea with her out of these cups. 
I love their kitchen, it's so modern and nice. The room is so nicely lit. 
 I was stalking all of her pets: Daisy & Chanel (pictured above) as well as her adorable fluffy cat Twinkle. It actually approached me! According to Jen it usually runs away, I feel a sense of accomplishment 8D 

I got home to find my family in a flurry of activity, packing for their trip to Taiwan tonight. I'm so  sad, I can't go because I have mid-sem exams first week back. As a result I'll be a loner at home for the duration of this one week holiday. Oh well, time to bake, read & study! 

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