The sad moment

by - 12:10 AM

Omg time to be devastated over uni marks T_T : 

Physics 15% exam: 14/15 
Week 2 anatomy summative quiz: 14/15
Week 2 anatomy prac quiz: 15/15 
Week 3 anatomy prac + fix it quiz: 15/15 
Week 3 medical radiation prac: 14/15
Week 4 anatomy online quiz: 8/11  

WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. It doesn't look that bad but like the average for my week 4 anatomy test was 9/11. This is so depressing man. Below average. Oh and I lost marks in the most stupid places ;_;. Pick up my game pick up my game. I need to stop my urge to read novels haha. Okay, off to sulk by myself now.

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