by - 9:12 PM

i've been sleeping really late these days for some reason -,- getting this weird feeling, anyways today was just as per usual, woke up, had toast and milk for brekkie, headed out to school. So, i had jap first up, kinda depressing -_-
biology, i think i'm starting to find it really boring for no reason .__. like its weird and i got busted by mrs walsh today for 'writing notes to my little girly friend' when i wasn't actually doing so haha well not really anyways -shiftyeyes- i really hope i don't fail biology, seems really hardcore. Math B yet again was quite boring, i immensely dislike this subject cause i find my teacher confusing gah. Math c is my favourite subject so far, next to english, yes i'm weird but i find it easier/more fun than math B for some reason haha (:
ty elaine for giving out the sheets. sorry i went retarded today :L

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