by - 8:34 PM

yesterday morning i lay in bed as usual till my brother shoved a phone in my face, turns out it was the olen (elaine) haha & yeah i spent a while talking to her about how she is such a caveman haha i love that retarded little girl who claims i will never grow ;o anyways had brunch, reread molly moon { a book by the way } and that was the rest of my afternoon. Well in compensation of not going outside to exercise, me and my brother decided to play wii, mario and sonic at the olympic games to be exact. We finally mastered how to play archery properly haha after forever. Well thank goodness dad didn't rage about us not being active -,- at around 10:30pm at night my parents decided to tell me to bake cookies for tommorrow to bring to elaine's house haha.
lol haha alot of hundreds & thousands (:

Made some cookies, which took a while, gave some to sunny's dad cause he was over hahaha, our dads are like seeing each other nearly everyday cause apparently sunny's dad is too lonely by himself since sunny&them are in taiwan lol :D My brother mixed milo, nutella, peanut butter & orange juice together to make his special 'cookie' and he ate it, EWW gross.Went to sleep around 2:30am in the morning and woke up at 8:10am this morning. Went to elaine's house, ate pizza for lunch, talked about some people/ things, watched trailers ( elaine's favourite pasttime) haha. Left her house, went to shop for food w/ mum, since there was apparently a sale, she brought so many food @@ and i think she's gonna try cram it all into us this week -sigh-
and this is only a bit of it ._.

Tommorrow i think i'm going to a church picnic thing with her again haha. Aren't you jealous i get to see her face ? she's pretty ! okay anyways. okay i can't be bothered uploading photos from malaysia today, my computer is lagging ._.

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