by - 10:00 PM


yesssss (: go asians (H) yeahh he wonnn (: haha okay anyways today i spent the day doing homework, well not really actually, i was more like walking around the house, jumping around and being random, wishing i could grow taller. Wow i sound like such a loser with a sad sad life :L

i wrapped the gift i was gonna give my homestay today & yes i know its bad quality photo cause i'm lazy and took it with my phone :D my mum helped me with the wrapping & i'm still too lazy to even rotate the photo so stfu :D
my elbow is annoying me again - ,- can't even lean on the desk . oh wells i have nothing to say. I've been spending my day walking around listless, eating random bits of food and worrying about whether my japanese homestay will be disappointed that i'm not australian lol. Yeah, my homestay student will be coming this thursday :O i hope she has fun and that i can learn to socialise with her cause i'm actually really bad at making friends .__. you guys can help me talk to her ^^ well thats if anyone is reading.
My dad is in a pmsing mood these few days cause he's busy -sigh- but amazingly he let me on the net. well i'm going on fb now :L bye

p.s happy birthday to sarah (:

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