Learn to be forgiving

by - 6:14 PM

This is what happens when you've been stuck at home alone for about a week ;_; 
It's actually not that fun, I'm so bored all the time & although I'm meant to be studying half the time I'm killing time by watching movies/ TV. This is so sad. I'll be screwed for my tests if this continues. I'll also be an obese whale if I don't stop stuffing my face with food. Motivation come to meeeeeeeeee. I've been making trips to woolies just to buy some groceries. I always end up eating salad with chicken though, sounds healthy right? Except I kind of go and snack right afterwards because I'm watching a movie. Symptoms of becoming eligible for biggest loser contestant of 2014. 

Anyway, on another note, guess what came in the mail? I'll soon be able to vote as I'm turning 18 this year. Oh and somebody's report card arrived 8D Hohoho, you are so screwed little brother. Wait till you arrive back in Aus, you'll be grounded for life HAHAHA. Thank goodness I don't get a report card. 

Yeah, I should actually go study now...I didn't end up finishing my Jap homework before my tutor came. She's so nice, I keep disappointing her. I should start picking up my sad life and doing something about it hmmm. Just had subway for the second time in my life, 3 pepper chicken I think it was called. I couldn't be bothered to cook tonight......(:" OKAY I WILL GO DO WORK AND WATCH LAW&ORDER SVU later on :3 Byeeee! a

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