Birthday of my dear brother
Happy birthday to my dear brother :) (wow I'm so nice all of a sudden). Now that he is fifteen I hope he can slowly start to mature ^^" So sad though, he spent the whole morning in bed just sleeping, he seems to be obsessed with sleeping, not even kidding. I just went out with mum and she did some shopping and we called bro to ask if he wanted anything special for lunch.
Him: Lollies, Chocolate chip cookies, soft drink and cake.
me: what kind of cake?
him: yummy cake oh & maccas for lunch
-3-" yummy cake aye? LOL very specific I know. The cake ended up getting a bit squashed on the way home and the strawberries fell on to the side of the cake box so I performed some 'plastic surgery' on it 8) Came home, spent the entire afternoon on english but didn't edit much ): I don't get how people can type up quality things if they just sit down and focus for one hour, maybe I'm just slow. Had wine & garlic flavoured steak + cooked lettuce for dinner :) Sounds really weird but its actually really yummy. Then we cut the cake.
Mum & bro
Ew lol, why does my brother get all the cheekbones & long lashes/eyebrows? T_T so unfair, not even kidding.
Cakeeeee! Ahahaha sorry mibi ;3