Empty glass

by - 1:19 AM

Greetings guys :) Okay don't ask me why I'm blogging at 1:05am in the morning haha. I guess just feeling a bit empty...somehow. I don't know how to describe it but the holidays especially always make me feel empty, like I'm somehow missing something or just alone? Is that weird? 

I have a few hypothesises: 
- I'm feeling guilty cause I've barely done any study/assignments 
-I feel cut off from civilisation cause I can't go out/go on msn/chat with anyone 
-I'm worried 'bout this thing that happened today
-I'm worried about the fact that I seem to have given up on my dreams 
-I'm just a night owl and a dead person in the morning 

@@ ahahaha I sound like such a loser 'OHH LETS SOOK NOW CAUSE PENNY ISN'T IN THE MOOD TO SLEEP' sighs* 

I seem to have gotten too used to company now, used to be able to do so many things alone. Now I'm so reliant on always having someone there. Well majority of the time, thats not going to happen penny chen    - -" Oh no, I'm talking to myself again. Did you guys know I used to always type messages to myself telling myself to work harder to get in State high? Haha I was a weird kid, actually probably still am.. noticed I've been using a lot of '...' lately even though i used to hate them. Okay irrelevant again. 

Second day of UMAT workshop tomorrow.... I hope I do alright for the practice test though I doubt it, my section 1&3 really suck. Hahaha... :s 

Didn't have time to do umat on schooldays so did most of the work this holidays but I keep being lazy and doing section two cause its easy for me - -" For my first practice test 

Section 1:  24 percentile or lower o_o 
Section 2: 94 percentile 
Section 3: 20 percentile 

or something like that I think..... i cbs checking but yeah. See how pathetic the results are? :O But apparently its easiest to improve in section 1&3 and hardest to improve in section 2 soooooo hopefully that's the case. Ahahaha I love typing on my macbook. It's so pretty!!!!! <-- yeah the only thing i care about lol, brother was face palming cause apparently this computer has a crap graphics card or something? Oh and apparently its actually really crap? i don't think so o_o but okay. Should go now, or i'll be dead for umat workshop tomorrow :') 

wow..i typed a lot


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