
by - 10:13 PM

So, after tossing and turning the whole night feeling guilty, I still decided to go on the outing after all. I reasoned this was probably my only outing this holiday sooooo it was justifiable that I went today. I still felt really guilty though, parents were like “We won’t stop you going, but think about it. Every time you stress, every time you stay up, we stay up with you. Don’t you think you should stay home and study? You’re already going to music camp and UMAT workshop, how much study time do you have left?” 

Seemed like dad was a bit disappointed that I decided to go after all. After talking to jen, I realized how stressed I really was, well, from the pressure. Although my parents say they aren’t giving me pressure, but I sometimes feel so obliged to follow everything they say..I know they have been helping me a lot and I do appreciate it, but along with that comes the expectation that I do well and I don’t want to disappoint them. Yet, it seems every time I’m doing something not related to study, they seem very idno, disappointed/unenthusiastic? They seem to think I forget about my pre-examination stress as soon as the holiday starts. 

Okay, I’m not as hardworking as some people out there, but I think I improved from last year, however pathetic that sounds. Maybe I’m just comforting myself. ANYWAYS, I’ll stop rambling about that. Today Elaine, Jenni, Richie, Georgina, Daniel, Terry, Tim, Alan, Yee sum & I went to watch the Hunger games!! It was pretty intense and followed the storyline pretty well compared with other book-adapted films but like everyone said, the camera was so shaky and retarded, made everyone feel a bit dizzy/sick. After that we went to have lunch at the new Wintergarden food court, felt so out of place cause everyone there was in business suits and were all ‘old people’. Stickies afterwards with Elaine, jenni, Georgina, Richie, Yee Sum and Daniel while the rest went to play pool. Haha I still haven’t gotten bored of taking sticky photos even after all these years :L Played some pool with the rest (well more like we were scabbing their table haha) then the guys left and the girls went…..SHOPPING! 

I’m trying to be more girly these days haha, I found a whole box of make-up which I received from various people and realized that I barely use them sooooo…yeah but I still need to get used the feeling of it. Everytime someone notices I just want to cover my face up ._. Cause I feel like I just painted my face haha, okay I’m a freak. The girls made me try on a formal dress which uhmm failed cause…it was a size four. 

Jennifer was like: ‘you look like a goddess’
Me: ‘yeah, a midget goddess whose dress doesn’t zip up, okay.’ 

Haha okay no.  I can’t be witty /sigh. Bumped into Phuong and Natalie while Elaine&georgina left then Jenni&I went shoe shopping! I’ve always hated shoe shopping, cause.. I always went with my mum, no one else ._. Well I always get bored/tired when I shop and I’m too scared to try on any shoes but everytime I shop with jenni I don’t mind. Today was the first time I actually enjoyed shoe shopping ;o and bought shoes for myself. Got my first pair of wedges!! Always seem to step out of my comfort zone whenever I shop with jenni haha :3 

She persuaded me that I didn’t look like a freak and I felt that I needed what you called ‘retail therapy’ anyway soooo yeah J She bought these floral wedges which looked soooo nice on her :D Wish I had long skinny legs… :L Okay so pedo lol. But yeah, I want to go and shop with Jenwen more! Hohoho I shall gradually become more feminine and start liking shopping more :)

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