
by - 10:49 PM

Went to SLQ after school today with anisha to try graph our physics results on tracker :\ Didn't work out cause it wouldn't work on my laptop or the library computers. Saw so many people there. Initially, I found it hard to believe that anyone could study at SLQ as it seemed time consuming to even make the journey as well as study with heaps of other people you know. However, I've come to realise it actually helps, knowing others around you are also studying and you aren't alone.  

I think not going on Facebook has saved quite a bit of time but I'm still reading many people's blogs :\ Argh so many things to do.... got my english draft back and the feedback wasn't good ): Made me feel a bit crappy for the rest of the day. Also, I think I left my usb at school somewhere but since I have orchestra tomorrow morning, I can't go check. 

-English feature article due next monday
-Math B assignment due next tuesday
-Physics EEI due in week four 
-Chemsitry ERT notes due next week & then exam week after
asd;ofianw;eoifna I haven't even done chem at all. Oh and I haven't even had time to study the things we're learning at school asdf;oaisne;foa. 

Argh, feel kinda annoyed at a two people. :\ 
Enough with the doom & gloom. Here is a yummy-looking food picture just for you people (esp. mibi) hahaha :\ Damn, makes me want to have some too. I wonder if it's caramel or peanut butter D: 

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