
by - 10:37 PM

Haha I'll blog about music camp later. We had an all nighter on the last day and so as soon as I got home I went to bed. No one woke me up the next day till like 10:40am T_T cause brother usually relies on me to wake him up but this time you know, so I was super late to school for the first time in my life. Bro was too lazy to go school << and on the bus I was texting my mum telling her I was forging a note to give to the school and then some guy was pushing a pram out of the bus but I didn't see cause I was texting and he was all like: 

' Oh, so i'm just going to roll over your feet am I ?' 
me: 'sorry..:S ' 
' Cause you're on your F*cking phone'  

Had such a bad morning... << and I was half dead too. I'm still dead actually, super tired and I haven't done any work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh. Bad start. Bad start. Bad start. Argh. PENNY CHEN. WAKE UP.  

Came home, about to start homework and then for some reason started D&M'ing with mum about family etc. and stuff :o 

Jenwen <3 

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