by - 8:50 PM

Today I went to SLQ with georgina to do our math assignment since we got given the same data :) It was my second time being there, bumped into so many people there: foonie, kevin, justine, linda, liam & of course, Jennifer & terry ;) 

Its funny cause georgina & I were looking around trying to find jen&terry but we couldn't, however after about half an hour or so, we see them come up the stairs and naturally, we ducked behind this pane of glass at the table we were sitting at. I think the people around us thought we were retarded ._. cause we kept peaking and then ducking our heads. After, georgina wanted to grab some lunch so we left our table and went to disturb the lovebirds :3 Yeah, thats about it. I feel like I haven't done much though. I'm getting extremely distracted these days :\ Probs gonna deactivate Facebook for a while... ahem* I'll probably need to stop using it for about 8 weeks or so. 

So yeah, anyway. That is all for now. Fingers crossed that Ms. Gilmour liked my english draft :\ Though I didn't spend as much time on it compared to usual. Argh. I've been hardcore procrastinating. I will deactivate Facebook in the next few days. I WILL. :)  

oh and i need to do umat... @@ 

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