Photo spam

by - 9:05 PM

Congrats to wenwen and riri ^^

Oh and, more photos from music camp just cause I feel like it :3 

Jenni trying to make mibi jealous LOL & then my turn ;) nah yee sum initiated the hug ;) Just in case you were wondering, it says 'forever a promise' in chinese on the sand. 

I was so surprised that yee sum hugged me that I tried to take a photo to make mini jealous but failed cause my camera was too zoomed in ( as I was taking photos of people before) So i only have a dodgy-looking photo of her hugging me :L But be jealous MINI ;) Oh you know, I'm usually uncomfortable with hugs? But hey, this shows that yee sum loves me moreeeee ;) nah jks

 Unintentionally posing ;) 

 Unintentionally posing again :L they were just randomly doing that actually hahahaha :) 
 elaine wrote that 8) nah she wrote I was retarded below but you see, I only took a picture of the top half ;) 
Our cabins!!!!!! 

Ohoho I have so many photos that I'd like to post up -seedyface- but I won't causeeeeee ;) Yeah I just photo spammed again, cause I have no other form of life besides blogging and doing hw/assignments T_T Just got Chem ERT so now I have four assignments...... damn I need to start physics :s Someone motivate me. 

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