Masquerade party

by - 9:35 PM

Hello guys, I have decided that I feel like blogging about the masquerade on Saturday now :) Basically after chinese school, I came home and started getting ready while mum made panacotta for natalie's birthday cause she loves it :D

Put on some make-up and then mum laughed at me cause she said I didn't know how to put it on properly and it was uneven so she re-did it for me. 

Picked up jenni &kaido at around 3:30pm and we headed off to natalie's house. We were one of the few who were there first. Her house was amazing, it suited the masquerade perfectly, her house had this bar and they put the speakers/music there. 

The antique furniture really suited her party as well and the chandeliers. Everyone looked pretty good in semi-formal attire+masks and the night was spent dancing to music, eating the delicious food cooked by joy's mum, killing the home-made disco ball pinata natalie made.

LOL it was funny cause her brother kept snatching all the candy which fell from the pinata and by the end of hte night he had pretty much a bucketful which he was going around offering to everyone. He refused to give jn the strawberry chuppachup though so while he wasn't looking joy snatched it away and gave it to jen hahahaha. 
Watched a movie to do with masks too, it was pretty interesting but didn't get to finish it. Oh did I mention the cake natalie made was amazing? The top layer was light green and the bottom was baby pink with bron swirls on it along with edible glitter + mask-shaped icing!! She was making it up until 2am in the morning ;o but yeah. The party was amazing!! 

Thanks natalie, for making it such an enjoyable night. Had fun watching kaido and brian ballroom dancing bahahaha 8) Then brian, kaido, jenni & I bussed it to city. Jenni and kaido were so lucky they lived near each other so they could walk home together while I had to go city, wait for 40 min before bus came :L But they stayed with me at cultural until there was 25min left, thanks guys :) Haha see? I didn't get raped or anything lol. But thanks :3

Jenni, birthday girl & I

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