Gigantic forhead

by - 11:09 AM

You know, I was just going through my grade 7 album and my hair used to be parted down the middle, oh gosh. Most of you probably don't believe me when I say this but I have a ginormous forehead, everyone in primary knew but since I came to high school with what you would call a 'box fringe' no one has really seen me without hair covering 1/3 of my face LOL. 

Okay weird way to put it. Yeah that was just really random. Did you know, Yee Sum looks nice even with her fringe pinned up and her hair in a bun? I'm so jealous :') I always do it at home but obviously not when I go out cause I look kinda.. creepy LOL. Jennifer would know :3 There I shall show you guys :L And this is even from a side view. Creepy right? I used to be teased so much about it, thank goodness I have some semblance of a fringe now, even if it is balding -facepalm- 

what is wrong with me? I think I'm a bit too bored, either that or grade 12 is making me go weird @@ Most likely the case. Lalalala music camp on friday, mainly wanting to get out of the house actually. But in order to be allowed to go, i need to get some work done ( or dad won't let me = =). Nice life I have okay. PENNY CHEN GET OFF THE INTERNET. ;aoisdfn;awoeifnwf :D I am absolutely normal. Ciao for now ;) 

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