Physics EEI

by - 8:29 PM

Safe and sound - Taylor Swift 

currently addicted to this song :) 
Today I went to pick up Yee sum at Southbank then we went to the city to look for things for our physics EEI. So awkward haha we went to crazy clarks and the reject store but we couldn't find polystyrene balls so Yee sum went up to the people and was like 'um... do you sell polystyrene/foam balls?' The people gave us slightly weird looks lol. Well at least the reject store lady did. 

She then came over to my house and we proceeded to cut our 'balls' in half to put a mass inside :P Okay after that anisha came over so I went to bus stop to pick her up. 

Altogether I made like 4 trips to the bus station actually, if including walking back home, 8 times D: Okay. I need to do lots of work!! -positive encouragement- yes penny. you can do this!! 

Ahem so very attractive. LOL i think i'm balding D: 

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