Music camp

by - 12:18 AM

Hi guys, i figured since i'm procrastinating already, why not procrastinate to the end and just get blogging over and done with. Nah jks, i actually like blogging quite alot, i can just ramble on regardless if anyone is listening or not, unlike in real life where I will look like a retard hahaha. So anyway, from friday 13th-15th state high symphony orchestra&symphonic band went to the sunshine coast for our music camp. We were like 5 minutes walk away from the beach so it was pretty cool :) My first and last time, quite memorable. 

aww she is so adorable :3 

no comment :L 

Had pretty decent food at the dining room, but once we were having lunch and we found a few tiny bugs in the salad and some of the leaves were unwashed, so disgusting. uergh , I hope the rest of the food were more hygienic though 

 Lunch on the first day :) Pretty yummy 

Our cabin had elaine, sunny, yee sum, jen & I :) I loved our cabin, it was one of the bigger/newer ones :) 

Elaine in her sleepingbag ? :L 

awwww so cute!!! but its blurry D:  

Jennifer's superjump :D so pro lol 

Haha they look like magazine models do they not? :L Kevin was like 'heyyy do you want one of those camphore selfie photo things?' LOL excuse my baldness :L 

Yuting and micaela :) 

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