Just the little things I appreciate in our friendship

by - 1:44 AM

How you're one of the few who actually finish listening to what I have to say
How you actually care sometimes but try not to show it 
How you sometimes surprise me by offering advice about something I'm worried about 
How you watch out for me even in a room full of people 

Just like violette, I ask you guys not to try satisfy your curiosity by asking me/ inferring who I'm talking about :3 causeeeeeee yeah, that'll be a secret I'll never tell. xoxo, Gossip girl.
  OKAY JOKES but seriously, yeah don't ask me lol cause that'll be awks. I'll tell you if I feel like it :) 

So yeah, anyways, goodnight for now. I really need to sleep earlier ._." even though I don't really feel like sleeping atm. Also, need to start english & math B assignment. All I did today was type out the sub-headings of my physics EEI, copy down the data from the experiments conducted by Yee sum, anisha, tina and I into my logbook thing + do 2 UMAT drills, not very good penny, not very good. 

I think I over use the words 'anyways' & 'yeah' D: Sorry guys you have to put up with my annoying way of blogging with lots of emotes and random crap. Can't help typing up a whole block of crap whenever I blog haha. Just realised 'haha' and 'lol' are also overused -facepalm-
Okay, Goodnight for real now kiddos :3 Sleep tight~

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