The vow

by - 8:15 PM


Haha just got back from Jap tutor, it always has the ability to cheer my mood up for some reason. Probably cause my japanese tutor is like the nicest person on earth and can always somehow assure me that I'm not the imbecile I believe myself to be. Her son Luca is so freaking adorable <3 I would post a picture but that is kinda pedo-ish and plus don't want any stalkers to go hunt him down cause he is so cute. I think he is about 1 and a half years old? Half italian, half jap :D so cool! 

Omgosh the cutest part is he recognises me now, although he can't speak full sentences he calls me 'Pe pe' as in short for 'Penny' lol, so adorable!!!!!!!!! Haha never thought I was such a child lover/ obsessed with cute kids but yeah, he is so adorable + he randomly utters phrases of japanese all the time & in my opinion anyone who can speak jap is amazing. Jap tutor said she liked how chinese sounded and I was like D: what? Japanese sounds so much cooler lol. Anyways, off to do a bit of assignments & then watching the Vow with brother & mum. Oh its my brother's birthday tomorrow, so happy birthday Jed! 

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