
by - 10:43 AM

Hello children :D I shall be blogging about last night's masquerade party later when the photos from dayadra's camera are up on facebook :3 Or when I feel like uploading my own photos :) So yeah, in the meantime, I hope you all enjoy your holidays~! 

Oh and omgosh, yesterday the creepy guy texted again while i was at natalie's masquerade party and then jennifer/kaido texted back going like

 'what the hell, who are you? Stop talking to my girlfriend, I'm her boyfriend.'   (or something along those lines anyway) 

guy: 'sorry. She is just my a small english teacher' <-- his eng not that good

I kinda feel bad though ): cause i think he's not a bad person, its just him asking me out to dinner/calling me is kind of creepy. Haha maybe I'm just making too much of a big deal cause according to my mum its cause i'm too inexperienced? o_o But whatever, its done now, thanks jen/kaido :L 

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