QPAC fanfare 2012

by - 12:04 AM

First of all, Congrats to BSHS symphonic band winning the grand final!!!! :D So proud that State High got it this time J, on the last fanfare ever as well !! Pretty proud that both symphony and symphonic band made it through to top five. Performing in QPAC was really cool :3 Good memory for our last year of high school I suppose.

Slept earlier than usual yesterday, at like 12:30am because I promised jenwen, except I failed to wake up for badminton this morning ;_; because somehow my alarm didn’t ring (or if it did, I thought it was background music). This keeps happening to me nowadays, I don’t even realize when my alarm is ringing, half the time it takes me like aaages to realize. School was boring today, I really need to tighten up though, everyone else around me is :\

We had a soundcheck at QPAC today haueahue skipped English 8D Then yeah afterschool everyone went to sunny’s house to ‘do work’. Except… we didn’t do any work :x Just ate apple crumble plus lots of yummy food O_O and played wii. 
Dude I feel sorry for Sunny's mum, she had to prepare food for like... 9 people. Kaido being the kid he was played around with his food. 
HEHE I BEAT DANIEL AND KAIDO AT SUPER MARIO SMASH BROS 8D I usually lose in games. We kept laughing at the dinner table because we kept accidently saying things that sounded suss :\ Everything turns wrong when our group is present.

At 6:00 we walked to QPAC to set up etc. and yeah. Rest of night was pretty cool~ So glad we beat Plimco though, or however you spell it. YEAAAHHH STATE HIGH !!! Congrats Jen wen!!

daniel: Hmm I think I have three fingers // Kaido putting his most 'kid-like' pose on 

Elaine & sum having fun playing wii LOL, looking a bit high there. Sunny slapped Yee sum's butt because she thought Yee sum was elaine on the ground LOL

 Sunny @ QPAC // My vanilla frappe after the performance 

Then ordered 'dinner' for mum, its like aioli + chips so I was curious because I haven't tried aioli ( well mostly because it was cheapest on the menu) 8D Wow us eating at like 10:30pm. I'm getting so chubby these days ;_; 

Wow I can type 370+ words in under 10 minutes for my blog and I can't type freaking 100 words in two hours for english ;_; So sad. I need to learn how to manage time efficiently, I know people who sleep at like 10:30pm and have time to do sports etc. and still get good marks. Also know people who can like write their english assignments in two days and get an A- Aiyo. 

Well Goodnight kiddies! 

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