I hate Turnitin

by - 4:36 PM

To be honest, 2012 has been pretty crap so far. 
I haven't been able to achieve what I set out to do, I found out my dog which I gave to another family had passed away, my japanese exam marks have been dropping. 

Now on top of it all, my english teacher goes and tells me that the feature article which I turned in had a 19% similarity to online websites. Her tone implied that she thought I copied it off the web and she was going on about how it was unacceptable and stuff. We go and check the sites and it shows the segments which I have apparently 'copied' and it is all just quotes. She then goes on to say she doesn't know if I actually read the book or not and like there is still some parts which are not part of the quote but are listed as copied. Wow, two words in front of my quotes count as me cutting and pasting on to my assignment.

I can't believe she would think that way, that I would stoop so low as to copy 1/5 of my assignment from online websites. I was really upset at the beginning but now I'm starting to feel a bit irritated. Cindy also had the same issue and then my teacher just goes on talking like we cheated or something. The ridiculous part is, one of the sites that came up as a copy source was this website talking about Japanese Geishas. Yeah, tell me how that has ANYTHING to do with the importance of being earnest/pride and prejudice. Oh and she realised she didn't bring my paper with her a;owiefnawoef. 

To be honest, I just feel like crap. I don't even know what I'm going to do. She said she isn't going to make me 'rewrite' it but my overuse of quotes would get me penalised in some sections. I've never had this happen to me & argh ): English and jap are the only things I can fall back on a bit simply cause I don't need to kill myself studying and now I've got nothing. I haven't gotten my english marks, but I'm pretty sure its not going to be good. Cindy got hers back and I think I'll do worse. I had hoped that since english was easier for me compared to math I would be able to use it to pull me up, guess not. Don't know if I'm depressed or just irritated now. 

Okay, must imagine a brick wall, just like yee sum, push everything out and get back to studying. Even if I don't know what I want to be anymore. Sorry for being bipolar :\ keep venting on my blog, which is kinda bad but then and again no one is around to listen to me so i guess yeah oh well. 

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