master debater

by - 6:08 PM

Felt like crap today, surviving on about 3 hours of sleep. Argh, I hate grade twelve. But anyway, somebody please tell me, does this make sense?

"a savage swordplay against human failings"  cause I think it sounds odd :\ cause 'swordplay' usually used with the word 'between' isn't it? okay if you don't know what I'm on about, don't worry. Just attempting to fix up my english draft so that gilmour will give me an A. I'm so scared.

Oh, after english yesterday, cindy & I were asking kevin what he wanted to do after high school and he said he didn't know.

me: Haha, i bet you're going to be a master debater :D
cindy: OMG....... what..

LOL turns out she heard something else that was really dodgy, just say 'master debater' really quickly and you'll know what i mean :x Anyways, laters.

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