
by - 12:17 PM

omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg! 8D 

Hi, Yi-Ping Penny,

We hope you're having a great day. We have some good news for you!
An advertiser has chosen to advertise on Penny's blog.
The advertisement details are as follows:

Dick Smith Toy Sale

Start date:
25 June 2012

End Date:
28 July 2012

Ad Unit:
Sky Scraper

Here's some fine print which we do ask you to read. We apologise for sounding all legal, but it's

Please do not remove the Ad Unit from your blog during the period(s) of time above or you will not
be paid the full amount for the ad.

Please note that campaigns that are performing the best (ie those sites that have the most clicks on
ads) will continue for the duration of the entire campaign period and those that are not performing
as well will be stopped until that blog's next campaign.

Thanks for reading all the way to the end! We'll let you get back to having fun blogging now. :)

Til next time!

The Nuffnang Team 

I just realised... LOL I've only noticed that I have an Ad now under the wish list tab of my sidebar o_o. Apparently started on the 25th of June (:" hahaha fail. OKAY I WILL LITERALLY GO DO WORK. I WILL. PENNY CHEN. NOW. Okay I'm not retarded. BYE :) 

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