Seeing red

by - 4:53 PM

Hello guys :) 

The reason why I'm blogging this afternoon is... because I'm relatively pleased with myself. Yesterday I did some math B/C and then I did the truckload of english homework my english teacher set us & also did a tiny bit of physics and chem. Didn't get to do UMAT though, brother was waiting for me and kept asking me to 'duel' him with his yu-gi-oh cards. Haha you guys are probably thinking what a lose I am, sorry. I got bribed with money 8D apparently if I win I get $5 and if I win the second game, the prize money increases by $5. Should have done UMAT/slept early or something but oh well. 

I'm slightly ahead-ish in my class, since we're still covering compound/simple interest for math B so I'm pretty happy. Classes were as per usual today, Alice gave me the red blazer I bought from her before the holidays. It was slightly bigger than I thought it would be (esp. the length of the sleeves etc.) but otherwise it's alright :) 
 The blazer I got off alice // side view of dress coco gave me ( the one mum kept insisting I should wear a jumper with) 
Hmmm badminton training is tomorrow, I really don't know if I should join. Parents already made it pretty clear they don't want me to join but.... it's my last year and I just want to finish my five years of badminton. Also, since I got elected captain... I want to be captain with jen, elaine, sunny & cindy D:   I don't want to stop playing badminton ): Perhaps I shall go talk to my parents today, I have to answer ms tapsall by tomorrow. I would feel so guilty though, since my dad said all that stuff and he is concerned about schoolwork and all. I am too, but I still really want to join. Need to stop feeling sorry for myself or whatever -_- my life isn't even bad compared to some other people. 

I have a question. Do you guys think its normal to always want to be like someone else? I always find myself learning things off others, taking on their qualities kinda. Like I look at some people's personalities and I somehow try to become like that? Is it good to just apparently 'be myself' or to improve?? Its been said that we should just be ourselves but I don't know, personally I think my personality has many flaws so... should I keep uh learning from others? Sorry if I'm not making sense. I have many random thoughts in my mind these days. Back in the day when I was naive and innocent :') I want to become someone who doesn't care about the opinion of others, who is not so scared of being thought of badly and someone who is not attention seeking? I wonder if I'll actually lose all my friends in the future due to my personality, well my parents have been telling me that. Okay I don't want to make them seem like the bad guys or anything but yeah, they told me that honestly speaking, if I don't change my personality/temper no one will want to be with me in the future? So I'm kinda worried :x Since I do get angry easily / talk back if I disagree with whatever they are saying. Also.. I'm a pretty bad listener (:" I tend to butt in before people have finished their sentence. 

Hm I think I'm making my entries too personalised..kinda. Well I'll just blog about something which normal people tend to read hahaha. Not random thoughts <__< So hard to change blogging style. But yeah, personalised blogs = more target to hate = possibly attention seeking. Well thats what I've observed anyway. Okay, I'm going to go do some homework now. You guys should go do some work if you're in grade 12!! Don't read my ramblings, you're wasting time when you could be studying!!! Haha hypocrite right here :'). Tis all for now.

Byeeeeee :)  

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