New obsession

by - 8:53 PM

It's so weird but recently.. I've found that I'm becoming more interested in girly stuff - aka shoes and makeup. Well I kind of want to learn how to use it, then maybe perhaps I can do it myself for formal and save money 8D Maybe. 

 These shoes looks so cool! Too bad they don't really suit me though :\ How come the things I take interest in never suit me <_< Bet these shoes are like $150+ haha #poor for life. Still thinking whether I should get formal shoes or not. Mum wants me to wear the ones I wore for semi but I don't think they'll be tall enough, as sad as that sounds :') Cause my dress will probably be really long kinda...maybe. Haha start saving. Sad how I have money in my bank account but I'm too chicken to go renew my savings card so I can access it LOL. Oh well, better I save that money for like uni or something then. Meanwhile I will keep collecting my $10 pay from mum every week 8D 

Apparently ^ is really good o_o Hmmm can use it for formal makeup 8D maybe. If I one day decide to get it and trial it :\ Or maybe I can't be bothered hahaha so much effort. Mum laughs at me whenever I try on makeup because she says I look like I got punched in the eye. Also she insists on giving me fake eyebrows because I have none ;_; so sad. Ahem back to UMAT. Wow I'm actually becoming slightly interested in these things. Must be the effect of grade twelve. Can't wait till formal!!! Wish my dress would arrive :\ 

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