Gold for life

by - 5:27 PM

I went badminton training today, so embarrassing because I was late :') I walked into F block and everyone was already seated and then they were all staring at me. I crouched down amongst the bags, attempting to hide but the Ms tapsall decided to announce the captains. She was like 'your captains are... in no particular order and because she doesn't have a seat, Penny ;), Elaine, Sunny, Cindy & Jen' -facepalm- Ahhhh why'd I have to be late :L so embarrassing hahahahahah. English passed by quickly then after morning tea we had to go to the PAC to get our QCS practice test results. I think our grade average improved by a bit, short response was still below state average though. So annoying how some people were full on joking and not taking it seriously when the teachers were voicing their concern = = Someone was like 'where are all the asians?'. 

Found out I was among the top who got a 1 for the writing task ._. To be honest, I'm surprised. My short story was rushed and it has a lot of repetition /crap because I spent like 1 hour deciding what to write about from the stimulus and only wrote my final copy in 30min :') I didn't even have time to write in pen, I only wrote like 1/4 of it in pen and the rest in pencil, thinking I'd have time to go back. What a nice marker I got :L 

Afterwards, had about 30min of chem before I went house meetings. Can't go sport carnival this year though because of stupid UMAT a;owienfwe I hate UMAT. Should just go do Law instead. Well thats it for now. Just had KFC 8D Anyways, I should go do some work now. Since I probably won't have time to write up and continue my 'story' from ages ago, I'll just leave you with the one I wrote for QCS. Excuse the repetition, I sucked at time management okay ? :') Btw, I couldn't resist getting rid of a few extra words here and there :L It annoyed me for some reason haha. Anyway, byeeee :) 

Gold for life 

A soft whimper escaped the girl's pale chapped lips as she knelt fearfully against the rough wooden floor, trying to stop the shivers from running up her small frame. It never helped when she showed fear, for it always enraged him further and that was never a good thing. Any sign of shaking hands, of the salty discharge which often escaped her eyes would give it away and Della was determined to hide that, fro discovery meant extra pain. It was too late this time though, for a rough hand had just seized a fistful of her pale blond hair, forcing her soft hazel eyes to stare straight into her father's hard green ones. She went flying then, as a resounding crack pierced the heavy silence. The impact caused pain to explode on the back of her head, making the world tilt horribly for a second before her body came to a stop against the corner of a table leg. It seemed that she was always going wrong, forgetting to dig up that one last turnip or for not gathering enough firewood. This time, it seemed to be the latter and before she had time to recover from the blow, she had been yanked up by one arm and shoved out the door, with threats of more punishment should she fail again. 

Stumbling through the dense undergrowth of the forest which was her home, Della was miserable. It hadn't always been like this, for once upon a time, her father had been gentle and loving. After the death of her mother though, things had changed. The silvery kindness had leaked out of his eyes along with the tears and now he was distant, subject to occasional outbursts of anger like this one. The world was still spinning a bit, but she knew her way through the forest from the years of experience. A cold greyness had become to settle over the jagged pieces of her turmoil though, and she found her feet shuffling forward on their own accord. She was unconcerned however, for nothing mattered anymore. Her mother was gone. Her father had become a stranger and the warmth had gone out of her life. Walking was the only solace, a comfort however small it was. Gradually though, she realised that the immense canopy of leaves which loomed above her was starting to thin out. It wasn't long before she found herself in a clearing. Not just any clearing, but one she used to come to with her parents. Suddenly unable to hold in her emotions, she burst into tears. Tears that were shed out of grief, anger, confusion and everything else. 

It took a long time of curling on the soft earth to stem the flow of tears, but when it finally did, Della felt a strange peace. She was back in the old days now, dancing in the sunlight with her mother as her father called out her name playfully from the side. It was echoing now, in her ears as soft tendrils of sunlight caressed her creamy white skin, like the touch of her gentle mother. Her bliss was suddenly broken though, as she realised that the voice was nearer now, calling out her name. Springing up from the ground, Della tried to force down the fear which was threatening to engulf her. To her surprise, her father had suddenly stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening in disbelief. She knew that expression. He was mistaking her for her mother again. It happened often back in the first few years her mother had passed away. 

Stepping forward, a glint caught her eye. Looking to the side, she realised that it was her hair, caught by the sunlight. It glistened with beauty. Beauty she realised, like her mother's. Looking up at the sun, everything escaped her. All she could feel was the warmth, the gentle touch that wiped all worries away, the golden rays which wound around her like arms. Suddenly, there were real arms around her, encircling Della tightly against a solid warmth. Her father was hugging her, with tears streaming down his face. They stood there, bathed in the golden glow of the light, soaking up the brightness for life. They remembered now, the golden orb which was the giver of life, the comfort on sad days and highlighter of bright days. 

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