Fire drill

by - 9:27 PM

Yesterday was a normal school day except we had a fire drill for the first time this year :s We were having physics but then got interrupted. I find it amusing how in high school the teachers tell you to pack up your stuff and bring your bags when we're supposed to be 'saving ourselves from the fire' and in primary the teachers used to tell us to just leave everything and go :L Man our physics class is so awesome hahah yee sum & I have the most random conversations with venkat. 

We were waiting on the oval for the teachers to let us go and then we saw Venkat's shoe. Everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing and then we all started taking photos of his shoe. But seriously though! So hilarious :L:L:L I was tickling his foot with a piece of grass since you know, his socks also had holes in them LOL

And then... he took my camera and started taking random photos :L:L:L 
He told Yee sum, Johnson & I to put our hands together and then he took a photo and told us its really cool because its like multiculturalism and then we reminded him all of us were asians :L So he was like 'fine!' -puts hand in as well LOL! 

Yay Golden Gaytime!!! Best icecream/ice block ever 8D 

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